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The Jonesboro Police Department strives to provide accurate and current information on crime in the City of Jonesboro. However, it is important to note that in some cases all information cannot be released immediately. Whenever there is an ongoing investigation and charges have not yet been brought, the name of the suspect in that investigation is not released pursuant to Arkansas Code Annotated 25-19-105(b)(6). Another example is when the alleged offense is a sex offense. In those cases anything that might identify the victim of that crime must be redacted before any information is released. A final common example is when there is a juvenile victim of any offense that would fall under the Child Maltreatment Act. Under this act any data, records, reports, or documents associated with the case or anything else related to the investigation are not subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act per Arkansas Code Annotated 12-18-104. This protection is in place to protect the child victim from further trauma or victimization.
While we understand the public has a desire, and often a right, to know the details of the crimes committed in the City, we ask that you respect that there are cases and fact situations where this is not possible due to the information being protected from release by state law.