Special Operations Division
Contact the Special Operations Division
410 W Washington Ave
(870) 933-4600
Email Captain Dupuy
The Special Services Division consists of a number of various units who are under the direction of a Captain. This Division is responsible for deployment and monitoring of the activities of the Training Division, School Resource Officer program, Chaplains, Court Services Division, Warrant Unit, Reserve Officer program, and Honor Guard Unit.
All of these specialized units were developed to combat crime or to better serve our community. These specialized units are trained for specific duties, and each of these units are staffed with specially trained officers and equipment specific to their mission.
The goal of the Chaplain’s program to provide support to local law enforcement officers, their mission, and offer a special understanding of their unique work; supporting them and their families. Some of the specific ways that chaplains encourage and support officers is by riding along with officers on duty, visiting police department offices and special assignment sites, providing on-scene support during death notifications and appropriately recognizing individual achievements. The most important of the chaplain duties is the commitment to regular prayer for officers and their families.
Training Division
Officers of the Jonesboro Police Department are required to train in various subjects throughout the year. The training unit is under the direction of a sergeant who reports to the Special Services Division Lieutenant. The training coordinator is responsible for the coordination of all department training, including a comprehensive basic training for newly hired officers, as well as the continued refresher and specialty training for veteran officers.
New recruits to the Jonesboro Police Department must complete at least 33 weeks of training before they are permanently assigned to a shift as a certified police officer. One of the most important parts of that training is the Field Training Officer Program.
Reserve Program
The Jonesboro Police Department Reserve Police Officer Unit is comprised of non-paid officers with reserve certification from the State of Arkansas. In doing so, it is the policy of the Jonesboro Police Department to ensure that its reserve police officers meet comparable training and proficiency requirements as required of regular full-time police officers.
Members of the Jonesboro Police Department’s Reserve Police Officer Unit, while on-duty, can exercise the same authority and have legal protection afforded full time sworn police officers.
Court Services
The District Court Services Department oversees all persons placed on probation as the result of criminal and/or traffic charges within Craighead County. Direct services include random drug screens, Sobriety Court, monitoring of both probation fees and fine payments, monitoring attendance and completion of Court Ordered programs, electronic monitoring, and monitoring Public Service work.
District Court Services was formed not only to report directly to the Court regarding probationers who are non-compliant, but also to provide an environment where defendants will be encouraged to make positive changes in their lives.
School Resource Officers
School Resource Officers are uniformed, certified police officers who receive specialized training to deal with school-related issues and promote safety on campus. SRO duties include patrolling school properties, assisting school officials with safety plans and crime issues, controlling traffic, providing security at school events such as ball games, making arrests when needed, building positive relationships with students, parents, teachers and staff, and providing other law enforcement services as needed.
Warrants Division
The Jonesboro Police Department Warrant Division provides court security for District Court and transports inmates to and from court. The Officers are responsible for serving misdemeanor warrants, criminal summons and subpoenas issued by the Court.
Honor Guard
The Honor Guard is an all volunteer unit of full-time and reserve police officers who are dedicated to honoring the community and those who serve through a visible, professional display of respect by the department. This unit provides funeral services for current and retired officers and serve in parades and special events.